The SOAR Podcast

#9: Meet People Where They Are | Alicia du'Monceaux

UNW Alumni Office Season 1 Episode 9

We all have coaches in our lives – but some coaches are truly game-changers. If we’re lucky, we find those rare mentors who not only guide us but ignite our purpose and help us grow into the people we were always meant to be. Alicia DuMonceaux, Head Softball Coach at UNW, is one of those extraordinary coaches. Today, she’s joining us on the podcast to share her inspiring journey and powerful insights. We’ll dive deep into her passion for coaching and explore how it's about so much more than a sport. It’s about meeting people exactly where they are, guiding them through their challenges, and empowering them to elevate their lives to the next level. This conversation will leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on your own next chapter. Don’t miss it!